Programme addressed to people with disabilities.
1. Cutting exercises with marble or other materials using hammer and hardie, the classic tools, to create tesserae of cubic or other geometric shapes.
2. Design of a subject chosen by the trainee, copied or original.
3. Transferring the chosen design “on reverse” upon tracing paper.
4. Making of the mosaic fixing it upon the paper support, studying the different possibilities of application and colours.
5. Studying the diverse techniques used to implement the mosaic, traditional or modern.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.
The intensive course teaches the direct method on mortar bedding (a technique which best adapts to a quick realization) and the use of traditional working tools (hammer and hardie). The trainee will realize a small mosaic with marble tesserae, learning the best ways to obtain the desired decoration.
1. Choice of the subject from already made designs, choice of materials, colours and dimensions of the tesserae.
2. Cutting exercises for the creation of cubic tesserae or other geometrical shapes using hammer and hardie.
3. Working on the chosen subject learning classic and modern principles to create different levels on a flat surface.
4. Finishing of the handiwork with eventual stucco work and polishing.
The intensive course lasts 20h, 4h per day from monday to friday.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.
Programme addressed to people with disabilities.
This course starts with a practical introduction to the use of the tesserae, which have been previously cut, to be glued with vinyl adhesive upon already made small objects of common use to realize simple designs.
1. Choice of material: marble (malleability, colour and origin) or ceramic (easily recyclable). Choice of the object to decorate.
2. Making of the design with one or more geometrical or figurative elements through a weaving of different colours and flows.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.
This course is for groups, school classes or single persons who would like to spend a few hours or an whole day learning and making a small mosaic.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.
In the advanced course the trainee will learn the direct method, which involves a greater ability in cutting because the final support does not allow big changes.
1. Design of a subject chosen by the trainee, copied or original.
2. Direct assembling of the tesserae using mortar bedding and net upon a plastic support which separates the underlying design (trace or sinopia) from the mosaic.
3. Introduction of the “sections” that can be used both with the direct and the indirect methods. The sections make possible the realization of large designs in small working spaces.
4. Implementation of the mosaic on site using different methods according to the design dimension or type.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.
The beginners course will teach the use of the indirect technique which will enable the trainee to create its own mosaic.
1. Cutting exercises with marble or other materials using hammer and hardie, the classic tools, to create tesserae of cubic or other geometric shapes.
2. Design of a subject chosen by the trainee, copied or original.
3. Transferring the chosen design “on reverse” upon tracing paper.
4. Making of the mosaic fixing it upon the paper support, studying the different possibilities of application and colours.
5. Studying the diverse techniques used to implement the mosaic, traditional or modern.
Download the courses table for info on hours and costs.